If you are feeling damaged, or want to learn the reasons why you are hurting, and are experiencing sadness — take a look at the quotes below. With hurt quotes, we realize we are not always loving the right people at the right times. Hurting quotes help you to understand that love does not always bring happiness.
These heartbreaking quotes will help you to lovingly care for your friends, encouraging them in their darkest times.
These captions are gathered form various sources and sayings of some great influencers, celebrities and authors. These are not our thoughts and we are not here to defame any gender, caste, creed, religion, nation, person or individual here this is work for pure education.
23 Hurting quotes
When you are feeling down about being hurt by the people you love and trust the most, these inspirational quotes will give you inspiration.
Hopefully, the quotes above inspire you to help the people who are suffering.
In those moments, sharing inspiring words of encouragement to our friends who are suffering may be helpful to alleviate their grief.
That is, there are times when we want to offer our hurting friends an encouraging message, but just cannot come up with the right words to say what we want to say.
Hurting quotes
When people around us are hurting, it can be hard to know what to do or say at times.
Sometimes, seeing someone you love hurts more than suffering yourself.
A wounded heart cannot be healed quickly, especially when that pain comes from someone you love most.
Being hurt by the one you really care for leaves a hole in your heart, one only love can fill.
If you are feeling the pain, read quotes on being hurt – and know it is all part of the process, and it only makes your heart stronger.
Here, we handpicked a few quotes about being hurt, complete with images, to show you how you truly feel when someone near and dear to your heart is hurting.
Hurting quotes
Below, you will find our collection of love-hurt quotes, words for heartbreak, collected from various sources throughout the years.
Effectively getting hurt means that we are being hurt, and how do we effectively learn the lessons from that moment, so the next time you are going to feel hurt, and you are going to, it is inevitable, you are going to feel more equipped to handle that.
Also Read: Collection of Inspiring 28 Suffering Quotes and captions
Pain captions and sayings
If you are in pain or want to know why you are in pain and feeling sad, take a look at the quotes below. Not all sad feelings need to be expressed as quotes about hurt feelings. These famous quotes and hurtful sayings may just be words, but they are also a beacon of hope to minimize your pain and sadness.
These hurtful quotes will help you love your friends and cheer them up in difficult times. With painful quotes,
we’ll understand that we don’t always fall in love with the right person at the right time.
Painful quotes will help you understand that love doesn’t always bring happiness.
Hurting quotes
In these cases, if we share inspiring words of encouragement with our hurt friends, it will help ease their pain.
However, there are times when we want to support our wounded friends but cannot find the right words to express what we want to say.
When others are suffering, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do or say.
If you hurt someone you love and you want them to come back, you can share our pain quotes with pictures with them.
Hurting quotes
Sometimes it hurts more to see a loved one suffer than to suffer yourself.
A wounded heart cannot be healed quickly, especially when the pain comes from the person you love the most.
Only people who are able to love intensely can also suffer intense pain, but this same need for love serves to counteract their pain and heal them.
These comforting and wise words can rid your heart of the pain and sorrow it is filled with.
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